L. Farsakoglou, R. Franzén & A. Strid 19401

Gathering & Location
CollectorL. Farsakoglou, R. Franzén & A. Strid
Locality Nom. Serron/Dramas: Mt. Orvilos (Ali Botus). summit area, along ridge btw. Bouri and the main summit and along ridge just E of the main summit.
Collecting areasEurope
Field Unit
Collecting number19401

Derivation tree

  • Greece, Nom. Serron/Dramas: Mt. Orvilos (Ali Botus). summit area, along ridge btw. Bouri and the main summit and along ridge just E of the main summit., alt. 2000-2200 m, 23.07.1981, L. Farsakoglou, R. Franzén & A. Strid 19401
    • B B 10 0508867
      • B_10_0508867