W. Greuter 16064 (B B 10 0508864)

Preserved Specimen
CollectionB at BGBM
Catalog numberB 10 0508864
BarcodeB 10 0508864
Campanula orphanidea Boiss., Fl. Orient. 3: 897. 1875,

Derivation tree

  • Greece, Macedonia, prov. Kavala, ep. Pangeo. on the north side of the head Mati (Pilaf Tepe incolarum) mt Pangeo., alt. 1750-1836 m, 40°54'30.011"N, 24°6'E (WGS84), 18.07.1978, W. Greuter 16064
    • B B 10 0508864
      • B_10_0508864