This well supported clade corresponds to an enlarged version of the “C. rotundifolia clade” sensu Borsch & al. (2009), and comprises two main entities. A first subclade with seven North American species of bellflowers is sister to a second large subclade, encompassing the so-called “C. rotundifolia aggregate” or “alliance”, or section Heterophylla (Greuter & al. 1984, Fedorov & Kovanda 1976).
Within the first subclade all species but C. lasiocarpa (trans-pacific distribution) are North American endemics. The composition of this group matches the “Rapunculus 1a clade” of Wendling & al. (2011), to which the rare C. shetleri must be included. Despite some karyological homogeneity, most investigated species sharing a somatic number of 2 n = 34, the subclade appears morphologically heterogeneous. Nonetheless, a clade with low support for branches was depicted to comprise C. piperi and C. shetleri, two perennial species with more or less dentate margins of the mucronate leaves, occurring in alpine habitats of the northern California - southern Washington mountain ranges. More detailed biogeographic analyses remain necessary to understand the origin of this American clade, whose ancestor was hypothesized to have colonized the New World via the Beringian route (Wendling & al. 2011).
The second subclade includes most species assigned to section Heterophylla (Kovanda 1968), a particular group of long-recognized campanulas (harebells) morphologically characterized by the presence of dimorphic leaves, with reniform and petiolate basal leaves and subsessile linear cauline ones, and a basal dehiscence of the capsule (De Candolle 1830, Boissier 1875, Federov 1957). Phylogenetically, the subclade encompasses up to eight lineages, most of them monospecific, and unresolved with each other. A majority of these lines includes dwarf mountain species, morphologically well-circumscribed such as C. cenisia, C. excisa, C. cespitosa, and C. cochleariifolia, the latter two inferred as sister species. Of interest is the presence in this subclade of some isophyllous species such as C. elatinoides, C. fragilis, and C. isophylla, as already mentioned under clade Cam08. From a taxonomic point of view, the presence of C. isophylla in the Heterophylla clade can render problematic the distinction of potential isophyllous and heterophyllous groups.
Finally, a large and well-supported subclade contains c. 23 species related to C. rotundifolia, which cannot be segregated based on petD phylogenetic reconstruction alone. Several explanations can be proposed to explain such polytomy. First, polyploidy is known to occur in this otherwise well-delimited karyological group (x = 17), some species exhibiting up to 6x valence levels, overall rendering the specific limits difficult to assign (Geslot 1973, Gadella 1964). Further, most Heterophylla species show great distributional range overlap thus increasing the likelihood of genetic exchanges via introgression or homoploid/polyploid hybridization. Last but not least, the inferred crown age of that clade (1,01 Ma [0,32–3.29]) suggest very recent diversification, and does not rule out the possibility of incomplete lineage sorting between clades. Taken as a whole, these evidences explain both the phylogenetic and taxonomic confusion in section Heterophylla and particularly C. rotundifolia, a species for which some 96 heterobasionyms have been published (Lammers 2007).
Overall, this subclade should be considered a large polyploid complex similar to the many ones exemplified in both the Mediterranean and Arctic-Alpine regions of Europe, including e.g. Centaurium, Draba, or Primula (Mansion & al 2005, Guggisberg & al. 2006 a, b, Koch & Bernhardt 2004), the detailed study of which would imply particular analytical strategy (Guggisberg & al. 2009).
From: Mansion & al. (2012: 17)
Boissier E. 1875: Flora Orientalis. Genève: Georg, H.
Borsch T., Korotkova N., Raus T., Lobin W. & Löhne C. 2009: The petD group II intron as a species level marker: utility for tree inference and species identification in the diverse genus Campanula (Campanulaceae). – Willdenowia39: 7–33 .
De Candolle A.P. 1830: Monographie de Campanulacées. – Paris: Veuve Desray.
Federov A.A. 1957: Campanulaceae. – Pp. 92–321 in: Shishkin B.K. (ed.), Flora of the SSSR. – Moskow: Akademii Nauk SSSR.
Fedorov A.A., Kovanda M. 1976: Campanula. – Pp. 74–93 in: Tutin T.G., Heywood V.H., Burges A., Moore D.M. & Valentine D.H- & al. (ed.), Flora Europaea. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gadella T.W. 1964: Cytotaxonomic studies in the genus Campanula. – Wentia 11: 1–104.
Geslot A. 1973: Contribution à l’étude cytotaxonomique de Campanula rotundifolia dans les Pyrénées françaises et espagnoles. – Phyton 15: 127–143.
Greuter W., Burdet H.M. & Long G. 1984: Campanula L. – Pp. 123–145 in: Med-Checklist. – Genève: Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques.
Guggisberg A., Bretagnolle F. & Mansion G. 2006a: Allopolyploid origin of the Mediterranean endemic, Centaurium bianoris (Gentianaceae), inferred by molecular markers. – Syst. Bot.31: 368–379 .
Guggisberg A., Mansion G., Kelso S. & Conti E. 2006b: Evolution of biogeographic patterns, ploidy levels, and breeding systems in a diploid-polyploid species complex of Primula. – New Phytol.171: 617–632 .
Guggisberg A., Mansion G. & Conti E. 2009: Disentangling Reticulate Evolution in an Arctic-Alpine Polyploid Complex. – Syst. Biol.58: 55–73 .
Koch M. & Bernhardt K.G. 2004: Comparative biogeography of the cytotypes of annual Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) in Europe using isozymes and cpDNA data: refugia, diversity centers, and postglacial colonization. – Amer. J. Bot.91: 115–124 .
Kovanda M. 1968: New taxa and combinations in the subsection Heterophylla (Witas.) Fed. of the genus Campanula L. – Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 3: 407–411.
Lammers, T.G. 2007: World checklist and bibliography of Campanulaceae. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 675p. ISBN 9781842461860
Mansion G., Zeltner L. & Bretagnolle F. 2005: Phylogenetic patterns and polyploid evolution within the Mediterranean genus Centaurium (Gentianaceae-Chironieae). – Taxon54: 931–950 .
Mansion G., Parolly G., Crowl A.A., Mavrodiev E., Cellinese N., Oanesian M., Fraunhofer K., Kamari G., Phitos D., Haberle R., Akaydin G., Ikinci N., Raus T. & Borsch T. 2012: How to Handle Speciose Clades? Mass Taxon-Sampling as a Strategy towards Illuminating the Natural History of Campanula (Campanuloideae). – PLoS ONE7 (11) .
Wendling B.M., Galbreath K.E. & DeChaine E.G. 2011: Resolving the evolutionary history of Campanula (Campanulaceae) in Western North America. – PLoS ONE 6 (9) .
Within the first subclade all species but C. lasiocarpa (trans-pacific distribution) are North American endemics. The composition of this group matches the “Rapunculus 1a clade” of Wendling & al. (2011), to which the rare C. shetleri must be included. Despite some karyological homogeneity, most investigated species sharing a somatic number of 2 n = 34, the subclade appears morphologically heterogeneous. Nonetheless, a clade with low support for branches was depicted to comprise C. piperi and C. shetleri, two perennial species with more or less dentate margins of the mucronate leaves, occurring in alpine habitats of the northern California - southern Washington mountain ranges. More detailed biogeographic analyses remain necessary to understand the origin of this American clade, whose ancestor was hypothesized to have colonized the New World via the Beringian route (Wendling & al. 2011).
The second subclade includes most species assigned to section Heterophylla (Kovanda 1968), a particular group of long-recognized campanulas (harebells) morphologically characterized by the presence of dimorphic leaves, with reniform and petiolate basal leaves and subsessile linear cauline ones, and a basal dehiscence of the capsule (De Candolle 1830, Boissier 1875, Federov 1957). Phylogenetically, the subclade encompasses up to eight lineages, most of them monospecific, and unresolved with each other. A majority of these lines includes dwarf mountain species, morphologically well-circumscribed such as C. cenisia, C. excisa, C. cespitosa, and C. cochleariifolia, the latter two inferred as sister species. Of interest is the presence in this subclade of some isophyllous species such as C. elatinoides, C. fragilis, and C. isophylla, as already mentioned under clade Cam08. From a taxonomic point of view, the presence of C. isophylla in the Heterophylla clade can render problematic the distinction of potential isophyllous and heterophyllous groups.
Finally, a large and well-supported subclade contains c. 23 species related to C. rotundifolia, which cannot be segregated based on petD phylogenetic reconstruction alone. Several explanations can be proposed to explain such polytomy. First, polyploidy is known to occur in this otherwise well-delimited karyological group (x = 17), some species exhibiting up to 6x valence levels, overall rendering the specific limits difficult to assign (Geslot 1973, Gadella 1964). Further, most Heterophylla species show great distributional range overlap thus increasing the likelihood of genetic exchanges via introgression or homoploid/polyploid hybridization. Last but not least, the inferred crown age of that clade (1,01 Ma [0,32–3.29]) suggest very recent diversification, and does not rule out the possibility of incomplete lineage sorting between clades. Taken as a whole, these evidences explain both the phylogenetic and taxonomic confusion in section Heterophylla and particularly C. rotundifolia, a species for which some 96 heterobasionyms have been published (Lammers 2007).
Overall, this subclade should be considered a large polyploid complex similar to the many ones exemplified in both the Mediterranean and Arctic-Alpine regions of Europe, including e.g. Centaurium, Draba, or Primula (Mansion & al 2005, Guggisberg & al. 2006 a, b, Koch & Bernhardt 2004), the detailed study of which would imply particular analytical strategy (Guggisberg & al. 2009).
From: Mansion & al. (2012: 17)
Boissier E. 1875: Flora Orientalis. Genève: Georg, H.
Borsch T., Korotkova N., Raus T., Lobin W. & Löhne C. 2009: The petD group II intron as a species level marker: utility for tree inference and species identification in the diverse genus Campanula (Campanulaceae). – Willdenowia
De Candolle A.P. 1830: Monographie de Campanulacées. – Paris: Veuve Desray.
Federov A.A. 1957: Campanulaceae. – Pp. 92–321 in: Shishkin B.K. (ed.), Flora of the SSSR. – Moskow: Akademii Nauk SSSR.
Fedorov A.A., Kovanda M. 1976: Campanula. – Pp. 74–93 in: Tutin T.G., Heywood V.H., Burges A., Moore D.M. & Valentine D.H- & al. (ed.), Flora Europaea. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gadella T.W. 1964: Cytotaxonomic studies in the genus Campanula. – Wentia 11: 1–104.
Geslot A. 1973: Contribution à l’étude cytotaxonomique de Campanula rotundifolia dans les Pyrénées françaises et espagnoles. – Phyton 15: 127–143.
Greuter W., Burdet H.M. & Long G. 1984: Campanula L. – Pp. 123–145 in: Med-Checklist. – Genève: Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques.
Guggisberg A., Bretagnolle F. & Mansion G. 2006a: Allopolyploid origin of the Mediterranean endemic, Centaurium bianoris (Gentianaceae), inferred by molecular markers. – Syst. Bot.
Guggisberg A., Mansion G., Kelso S. & Conti E. 2006b: Evolution of biogeographic patterns, ploidy levels, and breeding systems in a diploid-polyploid species complex of Primula. – New Phytol.
Guggisberg A., Mansion G. & Conti E. 2009: Disentangling Reticulate Evolution in an Arctic-Alpine Polyploid Complex. – Syst. Biol.
Koch M. & Bernhardt K.G. 2004: Comparative biogeography of the cytotypes of annual Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) in Europe using isozymes and cpDNA data: refugia, diversity centers, and postglacial colonization. – Amer. J. Bot.
Kovanda M. 1968: New taxa and combinations in the subsection Heterophylla (Witas.) Fed. of the genus Campanula L. – Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 3: 407–411.
Lammers, T.G. 2007: World checklist and bibliography of Campanulaceae. – Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 675p. ISBN 9781842461860
Mansion G., Zeltner L. & Bretagnolle F. 2005: Phylogenetic patterns and polyploid evolution within the Mediterranean genus Centaurium (Gentianaceae-Chironieae). – Taxon
Mansion G., Parolly G., Crowl A.A., Mavrodiev E., Cellinese N., Oanesian M., Fraunhofer K., Kamari G., Phitos D., Haberle R., Akaydin G., Ikinci N., Raus T. & Borsch T. 2012: How to Handle Speciose Clades? Mass Taxon-Sampling as a Strategy towards Illuminating the Natural History of Campanula (Campanuloideae). – PLoS ONE
Wendling B.M., Galbreath K.E. & DeChaine E.G. 2011: Resolving the evolutionary history of Campanula (Campanulaceae) in Western North America. – PLoS ONE